Understand, Reach and Influence
Today’s Teenagers

NEW “Today’s Teenagers” Podcasts Uploaded Every Mon & Wed.


You know how parents say that when they give birth, they should receive an instruction booklet for raising this "Thing"? This is the instruction booklet for raising teens. Love it!

Little Book of Questions That Get Teens Talking

Download For Free

Blessed Broken & Shared, Finding God in Daily life


Helping teens who cut
Busting Myths about Teens
Number of Books
Number of Speaking Engagements
Number of lives changed

Award-winning Author

Roy has published four books, including his most recent What Teens Want You to Know (But Don’t Tell You).

View Roy’s Books
Roy Petitfils Books | Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety and Depression | God Wears Running Shoes | What Teens Want You To Know | What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About The First Five Years of Marriage

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Check out Roy’s most recent blogs and videos!

  • How To Help Teens Suffering From Test Anxiety

How To Help Teens Suffering From Test Anxiety

July 11th, 2016|Comments Off on How To Help Teens Suffering From Test Anxiety

Many people think that text anxiety is a joke, an excuse dreamed up by overprotective parents, pop psychologists, or entitled teens. After all, they say, everyone gets stressed about tests at school, so what? These [...]

  • Katie Prejean McGrady on The New Evangelization

Katie Prejean McGrady on The New Evangelization

July 6th, 2016|Comments Off on Katie Prejean McGrady on The New Evangelization

In this first part of a two part interview we discuss: The adult who influenced Katie the most (8:00) Katie talks about lessons she's learned through failure (16:00) Seeing beyond teens' masks, behavior and [...]

  • Getting Your Teenager to Communicate

Getting Your Teenager to Communicate

June 28th, 2016|Comments Off on Getting Your Teenager to Communicate

Listen to the Podcast "Roy, how do I get my teen to open up. I feel like they're shut down and now they're shutting me out." Communicating with teens is tough. Its especially [...]

Normal Teenage Behavior


Roy Petitfils is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Youngsville, LA. Roy studied ministry and spirituality at The Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas and holds a Masters in Mental Health Counseling from University of Louisiana. Roy has worked with youth and young adults for more than 25 years as minister, a teacher, school administrator, school counselor and now as a counselor in private practice. He specializes in counseling teens and young adults. Roy regularly consults with schools, publishers and organizations helping them more effectively reach and minister to youth and young adults. He is an expert at understanding and influencing teenagers.

Roy has published five books, including his most recent Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety and Depression and What Teens Want You to Know (But Don’t Tell You). Roy’s blue collar roots, natural humor, contagious enthusiasm and diverse personal and professional background have made him an internationally sought after presenter, consultant and therapist. Roy lives with his wife Mindi of 19 years and their two sons Max and Benjamin in Youngsville, Louisiana.