

Three Ways Parents Can Practice Self Acceptance

If there was one thing that would improve your parenting, it would be this: stop comparing yourself to others. Easier said than done, right? As parents, we compare ourselves and our kids to others. I naturally see the ways my friends are better parents than me. One is a better financial provider, [...]

By |2016-04-25T14:48:40+00:00April 25th, 2016|Blog|1 Comment

How to be More Authentic with Teenagers

Today's teenagers expect and demand authenticity from parents and other adults who want to be in relationship with them. This principle, like so many things in my life, I learned the hard way. One Summer while in grad school, I taught catechism classes to a group of 13 year old [...]

By |2016-04-20T13:15:26+00:00April 20th, 2016|Blog, parenting|Comments Off on How to be More Authentic with Teenagers

Seven Suggestions for Single Parents | Podcast

Listen to the Podcast Roughly 34% of today's teenagers today are raised by single parents/guardians. As a child of a single parent, I was able to watch and experience, some of the challenges single parents face. Not having the support of a spouse emotionally or financially was tough on my mom. [...]

By |2016-04-19T13:40:24+00:00April 19th, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Seven Suggestions for Single Parents | Podcast

Teen Survives First Texting Car Crash, But Not the Second…

It's April, and you know what that means... It's finally National Distracted Driving Awareness Month! Okay, so you probably haven't been marking the days off the calendar in preparation, but this April is as good a time as any to practice communicating with teenagers about important teenage issues like distracted [...]

By |2016-04-13T20:42:26+00:00April 13th, 2016|Blog|1 Comment

Understanding Normal vs. Abnormal Teenager Behavior

Parents ask me: "Roy, how do I know if what my son is doing is a 'normal teenager thing' or if it's something more serious? How do I know when I'm at the point where I should get my teenager some help?" One of the hardest aspects for parents raising [...]

By |2016-04-05T16:31:48+00:00April 5th, 2016|Blog, parenting|1 Comment

Misreading Teenagers’ Non-Verbal Communication

Teenagers can be intimidating. Their facial expressions, tone of voice and body language often suggest that they want to be left alone. And sometimes that is what they want. But more often, being left alone is not what they want. Those dirty looks, rolling eyes and standoffish body language are [...]

By |2016-03-21T16:21:15+00:00March 21st, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Misreading Teenagers’ Non-Verbal Communication

What’s a Teenage Behavior Contract and How Do They Work?

Being the parent of a teen is tough. It's a confusing, hormonal period of constant change. Many young people experiment with new identities or behaviors. And often, teenagers, driven by a heightened need for novelty, self expression and control leading them to act out and rebel, causing problems at home and [...]

By |2016-03-18T15:36:49+00:00March 18th, 2016|Blog|1 Comment

Learning How to Guide and Support Your Teenager Through Depression

Teenage depression and anxiety is a common and serious issue. At least one in every five teenagers experiences depression or anxiety before reaching adulthood. Many teenagers turn to destructive choices like drugs and alcohol, promiscuity, eating disorders, and even suicide to cope with their depression and anxiety. In fact, suffering [...]

By |2016-03-01T17:46:20+00:00March 1st, 2016|Blog|2 Comments

3 Consequences of Neglecting Communicating With Teenagers

Adolescence is a period of drastic change that occurs as young teens grow into adults. Part of being a parent is to help guide them through this difficult time. Without a support system, teens can find themselves in unhealthy situations that could affect them for the rest of their lives. [...]

By |2016-02-03T14:24:36+00:00February 3rd, 2016|Blog|1 Comment

What to Say and Do When Teens Don’t Believe in God

Listen to The Podcast   When teens say: “I’m an atheist” “I don’t believe in God.” “I’m agnostic.” Adults think: “I’ve failed. Its my job to make my (this) kid believe in God. ” “I may not be in heaven with my son.” “I thought we raised her [...]

By |2016-01-05T16:14:17+00:00January 5th, 2016|Blog, parenting|4 Comments
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